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An Introvert's Guide to Better Conversations

I'm an introvert. For those of you who knew me back when, you already know this because I was one of a small number of introverts in my class and stuck out like a sore thumb. Some of you know that I love talking about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (I'm an INTJ, in case you wondered) and have heard me share often about my introversion. According to Myers-Briggs, a person who is an introvert receives energy from time spent in more reflective activities focused on their inner world. They prefer doing things alone or with one or two people they feel comfortable with. They take time to reflect and observe, before taking action. They can be seen as reserved or quiet and many mistake them for being shy. An introvert will be slower to speak in a group, often only speaking up if their thought is important enough to take the risk of speaking up. Being around others can be taxing to the introvert who then requires time to recharge their social batteries. Because introverts are so in...

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