They say that if you don't like the weather in Missouri, wait a few minutes and it'll probably change. This winter has definitely fit that old saying. We've had weather in the 60s followed closely by ice storms, sleet, freezing rain and the rare glimpse of snow. When I was a kid, I remember snow, and not just a light dusting either. I remember making snowmen and snow angels and throwing snowballs at my brother's head. The past few years we've barely had enough winter precipitation to warrant a snowday. Teachers LOVE snowdays! This year, however, has made up for the past five years or so that have been so snow-less. Today, in fact, I'm writing this entry on the 6th of our snowdays. We had freezing rain and sleet last night in enough quantity to call off school for the safety of all involved. While cleaning off my car, Truman decided he should help by hopping from the curb up to the hood of the car. I think he was playing his own private game of "King of the Hill". I think dogs like snowdays too!