Prayer for Rachel
Tina's friend Rachel is in the hospital and needs to make it another 24 hours without going into labor so that she'll then enter a slightly lower-risk prenatal group. She's just over 20 weeks and her water broke. Fifteen percent of women make it through the first 48 hours without delivering the baby. Of those 15% who make it that long, they have a 50% chance of making it to the date needed for the baby to be born and placed on a ventilator -- if the mom stays on strict bedrest. Right now, it looks like if Rachel makes it to Monday with the baby, they will keep her in prenatal ICU until she gives birth. If she can make it 14 weeks, the baby could be placed on a ventilator and have fewer complications and risk for health problems. Pray that the God of heaven who created the unborn child in her womb would place his hands around the little child and protect her. Pray for Rachel and Peter, who are scared. Pray that if she lasts and looks ahead at 14 weeks of bedrest, that Rachel will have the stamina and patience to endure the long, LONG days and weeks ahead.