Circling the airport almost out of fuel
Sometimes I think in analogies, which someone once told me was a sign of intelligence -- I think its a sign of weirdness and possibly insanity. After almost two months of waiting, another reason to wait on an answer has been placed in front of us. I have started thinking about options and am feeling a little overwhelmed (understatement). I've decided that it feels like I'm flying an airplane, circling the airport waiting to be cleared for landing. Only I've been waiting so long that I'm almost out of fuel and need to decide if I should wait to land at this airport or try to find another airport -- but I feel dangerously close to crashing any minute. No option that is open to Joe and I in our current situation feels particularly safe or even attractive. Crashing the plane seems almost the best option because then we'll be sitting with Jesus with no worries. Surely an answer will come soon and we'll find safe landing somewhere and just in time. A good friend of mine told me that God made the oil last for the widow and her son and he'll do the same with my faith "fuel" as I wait for an answer. Good words that I'm praying are true today.