And the winner is.....

After months and months and months of waiting, praying, considering different options and even visiting a few places, we finally have an answer to the $60,000 question.....Joe&Tina have accepted the position with Youthworks! (exclamation point in the name, not added for emphasis) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The position will start at the beginning of December. Our house has been on the market for about one month now with a few nibbles, but no takers. We are praying that the house will sell in a timely fashion, allowing Joe&Tina to move to MN at the same time. Tina has applied for a few positions in the Minneapolis area, but has yet to hear back from anyone yet. One of the positions sounds particularly interesting and another, though part-time, is only a few blocks from where Joe will be working. Much time has been spent online looking at housing options, which are plenty (unlike our last option, Natchez). The issue will be finding housing that will be (a) affordable, (b) in a location decently close to work, and (c) something conducive to Truman's lifestyle where he can continue to pretend he's in charge of the household.

Neither Joe nor Tina are doing cart-wheels in celebration of moving to Minneapolis in winter-time, but are excited for the possibilities this new career might hold for the future. Additionally, Tina is using this as an excuse to purchase more sweaters and is venturing into the purchase of cute winter footwear as well. Both Joe&Tina are planning to stock up on long-underwear, gloves, mittens, warm hats, scarves and the like, as Minneapolis is, as my dad would say, "COLD as Hoby's Goat". For those of you who've never heard my dad utter that expression, we're unclear of true identity of Hoby and his questionable goat ownership. However, dad uses the phrase in any situation that even remotely applies. For example, hot summer days are described as "Hot as Hoby's Goat"; a really rainy day might be "Wet as Hoby's Goat"; a man's nagging wife might be described to be "Mean as Hoby's Goat"; you can expand it from there to fit whatever situation you like. In any event, Hoby's Goat would probably need four layers of sweaters on top of long-john's, layered wool socks, and high quality mittens to be comfortable in the weather we're moving into. At least we'll be dreaming of a white Christmas, unlike most of the folks we'll be leaving behind in Missouri!


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