Watch Out for Curves!
I was reading some of the "100 most read" verses on and came across Prov 3:6: "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight". It occured to me, though, that my paths have not seemed so straight of late. My life feels much more like the famous Lombard Street in San Francisco, CA. This street is touted as the most curvy street in
America and for good reason. As it goes down hill it has a series of tight corners. Driving down it is a very touristy experience and I cannot imagine what the homeowners think. Besides being a fun attraction, it is also a metaphor for how I have felt in the last year. Joe and I have meandered hither and yon with the path taking is one direction and then another and then another on our quest to find where God would have us settle. Go on staff with Crusade? No. Teach Bible at NCA? Nope. Pastoring a church in Memphis or Natchez? Not. Planting a church in Oklahoma? Nyet. Pastoring a church in Texas or Kentucky or Roland, OK? Not a chance. Planting a satellite church in Marshfield? No way. Are there any other ways for God to say "no" to us? Now we are pursuing another church opportunity, a door that opened unexpectedly and one which pursued us. We've been waiting on an answer for this opportunity since late August or early September. I'm praying that Proverbs 3:6 is true for us in this opportunity, that God is in the process of making our path straight. I'm ready to hit the road and drive directly into the next stage of our lives. No sharp corners. No potholes. No detours. Just a straight path into God's will for us. To quote Tom Cochran/Rascall Flatts, "Life is a Highway...." Hopefully you can honk and wave as you see me speeding past you on life's highway.
