Update with all the details...FINALLY!
Friends, Family Members and anyone who stumbled accidentally across this blog -- We know you have been waiting for the official update on the lives of Joe and Tina. We've given vague updates with information that could have been interpreted in any number of ways. Sorry for the lack of precise information but things were up in the air for a while followed by a period of time where we knew the details but weren't at liberty to share them openly with all of internetdom. (Yes, I realize that is not a real word). Here are the details and we hope you'll celebrate with us as you read.
We've been on a crazy journey for the past couple of years. We were pursuing God's will and the path that led us down went hither and yon, starting with a desire to go on staff with Crusade, then a possibility at New Covenant, followed by pastoral positions in Memphis, Natchez and beyond, leading us to Youthworks! in Minneapolis and now to our current opportunity. While all the options seemed unrelated and at times crazy, they were all similar -- all the positions involved shepherding others. This is perhaps Joe's strongest area of gifting. We finally found a permanent home for Joe's shepherding gifts, a place where he can guide and disciple a congregation of people. In late August or very early September as Joe was moving from Minnesota with all of our belongings, he received a call about a pastor position open in the Joplin area. The church had lost their pastor and they were looking to fill the position quickly. Their "quickly" and ours was perhaps a little different because we didn't receive final word until mid-November after an interview process that involved a phone interview and three in-person interviews, a background check, psychological evaluation and church-planting profile.
After all the steps and searching, though, we are finally able to announce to the world that Joe will be the new senior pastor at Pathways UMC which is currently meeting in Alba, MO with plans to build in Oronogo, MO (both of which are north of Joplin). The church is about seven years old and currently has about 100 - 125 people in attendance. It is a contemporary church with a strong value placed on creativity in worship and arts. The creative arts team changes the decor and layout of the sanctuary for each sermon series. In a recent series titled "Go Fish" the sanctuary was transformed into a boat dock where the "pulpit" was in a boat. The current theme "D.R.I.V.E." has a racetrack running down the aisle of the sanctuary. We were able to meet the leadership team and see the church last night (Tuesday the 24th) and we were very excited about what we saw and the leaders we met seem amazing.
For those of you who have been following our story and praying for us along the way, thank you! We could feel your prayers and God blessed us even in the midst of our wandering. We are excited about the door God has opened and we would love to have you join us for worship if you are able. More updates and pictures will follow!
We've been on a crazy journey for the past couple of years. We were pursuing God's will and the path that led us down went hither and yon, starting with a desire to go on staff with Crusade, then a possibility at New Covenant, followed by pastoral positions in Memphis, Natchez and beyond, leading us to Youthworks! in Minneapolis and now to our current opportunity. While all the options seemed unrelated and at times crazy, they were all similar -- all the positions involved shepherding others. This is perhaps Joe's strongest area of gifting. We finally found a permanent home for Joe's shepherding gifts, a place where he can guide and disciple a congregation of people. In late August or very early September as Joe was moving from Minnesota with all of our belongings, he received a call about a pastor position open in the Joplin area. The church had lost their pastor and they were looking to fill the position quickly. Their "quickly" and ours was perhaps a little different because we didn't receive final word until mid-November after an interview process that involved a phone interview and three in-person interviews, a background check, psychological evaluation and church-planting profile.
After all the steps and searching, though, we are finally able to announce to the world that Joe will be the new senior pastor at Pathways UMC which is currently meeting in Alba, MO with plans to build in Oronogo, MO (both of which are north of Joplin). The church is about seven years old and currently has about 100 - 125 people in attendance. It is a contemporary church with a strong value placed on creativity in worship and arts. The creative arts team changes the decor and layout of the sanctuary for each sermon series. In a recent series titled "Go Fish" the sanctuary was transformed into a boat dock where the "pulpit" was in a boat. The current theme "D.R.I.V.E." has a racetrack running down the aisle of the sanctuary. We were able to meet the leadership team and see the church last night (Tuesday the 24th) and we were very excited about what we saw and the leaders we met seem amazing.
For those of you who have been following our story and praying for us along the way, thank you! We could feel your prayers and God blessed us even in the midst of our wandering. We are excited about the door God has opened and we would love to have you join us for worship if you are able. More updates and pictures will follow!