Lightning Bugs
Close your eyes and think back to childhood. Hot summer nights in late June or early July, just after the sun
has set but still before bedtime. There's a half-full lemonade glass with condensation sweating down the sides sitting on a table next to a folding lawn chair. The grass feels cool and soft under bare feet and the night air feels fresh with a summer breeze blowing just so softly. And all around are the twinkle lights of God's creation as lightning bugs flit here and there in the air all around. Just then you spot an empty Mason jar and with a childhish giggle that jar turns into your own private lightning bug zoo, lighting the night just for you. Those were the days when there wasn't a care in the world. A few nights ago I looked out the window and the sky was dotted by thousands of twinkle lights and it was as if God gave me a little reminder of those carefree childhood days with my very own summer evening light show. Did you ever wonder why God made lightning bugs? What purpose do they serve? I like to think that the lightning bug was a gift to me...a little something bright and cheery to make me smile. :-D
