How about a real abomination?

May 21, 2012, the city of Joplin hosted President of the United States, Barack Obama. Over the course of the days leading up to his appearance at Joplin High School's graduation, I heard and read many negative comments about Obama's visit. Many referred to it as an "obamination" and indicated they felt Joplin was unlucky to have him here. The mood reflected the idea that President Obama is not welcome in our community because he is from the wrong political party. Now, I'm not exactly campaigning for Obama's reelection (neither am I campaigning for his opponent), but I found myself discouraged that we were missing the point of his visit. He is the PRESIDENT of the United States. And he came to Joplin, Missouri as a presidential gift of good will and encouragement to our city as we remember the May 22nd tornado.

What really strikes me about this tension, this negativity about Obama's presence is that so many of us are up-in-arms over the wrong issue. While President Obama was giving his remarks at graduation, I was talking to a foster parent about the baby currently in her care. This child, in her short few months of life, has been raped and abused to the point that doctors weren't sure she would live. Her injuries are so serious that she will have major lifelong physical and mental disabilities. This is a true abomination.Why aren't we all up-in-arms about this issue? Shouldn't we be so sickened by this that we demand justice for the helpless victims of abuse? We protest the presence of the President of the United States for giving a speech at a encouraging a graduation. Seriously?! Put your pitchforks away and get some perspective. Shouldn't we instead be protesting the atrocious things that are happening to children every day? There are plenty of horrifying injustices out there....and a graduation speech isn't one of them.


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