Maybe later….

I've read plenty of articles and social media posts lately regarding the issue of homosexuality. Christians love debating this topic, especially with non-Christians who should be hearing about the grace of Jesus instead of the hatred of His people. I'm not going to tackle the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality in my blog today. No, we Christians have much bigger fish to fry before we tackle the issue of homosexuality.

The issue I think Christians should rally behind? Child sex trafficking. Why aren't we up in arms over adults who rape children? Why aren't we constantly talking about this issue on our social media accounts and from our church pulpits? Why aren't Christians directing their hatred toward the use of babies as sex objects? Or the fact that there are people in such desperate poverty that they are easily coerced to sell their children into prostitution?  It is estimated that anywhere between two and four MILLION people are victims of human trafficking -- 50% are estimated to be children under the age of 18. This number reflects trafficking for labor, sex and illegal trade in human organs. Two to four million people who are being traded like livestock and treated worse than animals. These statistics don't even touch the abuses that happen to children in the creation and sale of child pornography. And these aren't just international problems that happen in poor countries like Africa. Child pornography and child sex trafficking happens right here in the U.S.

Next time you are tempted to get on your soapbox about someone in a consensual, monogamous relationship think about the children, some of whom are babies and toddlers, who have been repeatedly raped and exploited. Use your soapbox to end child pornography and sex trafficking. Once these issues have been solved, maybe then we can tackle homosexuality.


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