Large and Small

I was recently thinking about the difference between large churches and small churches. I attend a small church and am usually drawn to small or medium church settings where I can know other people and be known. But I know other people who prefer large churches because they love all the programs and activities. I even know people who hide out in large churches so they can stay off the radar and won't be called on to do anything. It got me to thinking and I've decided that in some ways small churches are like small high schools and large churches are like large high schools.

Here's what I mean. I used to teach at a small high school. The same kids who fielded the soccer team were also lining the benches and starting on the basketball team and most of them were also on the track team. None of the teams were exactly excellent because we didn't have many kids to draw from, so we took all the kids who were even remotely athletic (or at least had a pulse) and pushed them toward the locker rooms.

At a large school, however, only the best and brightest make the team. And the kids who are best and brightest at soccer or football are probably not the same kids who will be the best and brightest at basketball or baseball or track. Because there are so many kids to choose from, coaches can select only those kids who have a lot of talent in that particular sport, excluding many others.

Church settings are like that. In a small church the same person who works in the nursery also takes a spot on the children's church rotation and they might also be a greeter or help lead a Bible study. Everyone has to wear two or three hats to cover all the things that need to be done around a church. A large church, by contrast, tends to attract people who are specifically gifted for particular roles. The children's church teacher is probably really talented at that and passionate about that age group. They are probably able to pour their whole heart into that role because all the other roles are filled with other specifically-gifted people.

But it begs the question…..why aren't small churches more like that? If everyone was living their calling then the people who are friendly, outgoing and especially good at connecting others would be the greeters. The people who are great at leading discussions or teaching would be small group Bible study leaders. Those who are passionate about children would serve in the children's area. We all have gifts of the Holy Spirit, so if we are all living within our gifting it makes sense that there would be enough talent to go around and all areas would be staffed appropriately without any one person juggling different roles to make it happen.


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