American Idol
Election 2016 brought Americans an election unlike any other. Modern history has no example of such a contempt-filled, divisive campaign. One unexpected outcome of the election has been the response of the Christian community. In a typical election, issues around abortion and homosexuality generally drive Christians to support the Republican candidate for President, although many Christians are drawn to humane social aspects of the Democratic platform.
This year, many Christians refused to support the Republican candidate because of his moral character. They looked at his ownership of casinos and strip clubs, his history of affairs and divorces, his participation in Playboy magazine, his vulgar language, and his often-questionable business practices as proof that his character was not only unChristian, but also unpresidential.
However, many Christians saw this year's Republican candidate as being the only true Christian in the race and believed his promises to bring Christian values back into government.
Who is correct? Whose position is righteous?
After the election, many voters celebrated loudly that their candidate won, while protestors took to the streets to lament the outcome of the vote. Voters took to social media to make their feelings known.
One sad outcome of this election is its effect on relationships well outside Washington D.C. Throughout the election season and after the votes were tallied, many people unfriended and unfollowed their co-workers, friends, neighbors, and family members over political differences.
Even more tragic is that this election has caused some voters to leave their church because they politically disagreed with their pastor or other congregation members.
The real tragedy of leaving church over a political leader is that it's quite possible the politician or the political party has become an idol whose importance has been placed above God. Allegiance for the Christ-follower ought to be reserved for the King of Kings, rather than any earthly leader. This world is not our home and no president, king, prime minister, or dictator will ever be our true leader.
We must live in this world, so we obey the laws of our country and we pray for our leaders, giving what support we can. But once we are placing our elected officials above our Christian leaders or God Himself, then we may have crossed the line into idol worship.
This year, many Christians refused to support the Republican candidate because of his moral character. They looked at his ownership of casinos and strip clubs, his history of affairs and divorces, his participation in Playboy magazine, his vulgar language, and his often-questionable business practices as proof that his character was not only unChristian, but also unpresidential.
However, many Christians saw this year's Republican candidate as being the only true Christian in the race and believed his promises to bring Christian values back into government.
Who is correct? Whose position is righteous?
After the election, many voters celebrated loudly that their candidate won, while protestors took to the streets to lament the outcome of the vote. Voters took to social media to make their feelings known.
One sad outcome of this election is its effect on relationships well outside Washington D.C. Throughout the election season and after the votes were tallied, many people unfriended and unfollowed their co-workers, friends, neighbors, and family members over political differences.
Even more tragic is that this election has caused some voters to leave their church because they politically disagreed with their pastor or other congregation members.
The real tragedy of leaving church over a political leader is that it's quite possible the politician or the political party has become an idol whose importance has been placed above God. Allegiance for the Christ-follower ought to be reserved for the King of Kings, rather than any earthly leader. This world is not our home and no president, king, prime minister, or dictator will ever be our true leader.
We must live in this world, so we obey the laws of our country and we pray for our leaders, giving what support we can. But once we are placing our elected officials above our Christian leaders or God Himself, then we may have crossed the line into idol worship.