We don't need no stinkin' Natchez...

Many of our friends have already heard or received this update privately, but now is the time to inform the rest of the world. Joe and Tina decided not to take the job in Natchez. The Sunday we were there to check out the church, Joe spoke and the church hosted a potluck lunch, followed by a Q&A session and a "congregational vote". It was decided by the eight members present to offer Joe the job and they informed us we had ten days to make our decision. After giving it some prayer and thought and after consulting just about every Godly friend and loved one in our lives, we decided that Natchez isn't the place for us. The day after we returned to Springfield from Mississippi, Joe received an interesting offer for a job that had just become available. We're not sure where this offer will lead, but are hopeful. He has an interview tomorrow and depending on the outcome, there will be more information posted on this blog. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Miller Times cliff-hanger!


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