What I am most looking forward to on November 5th
After the many, agonizingly-long months of campaiging, primaries, conventions, speeches, debates, ads, mailings, spam, youtube posts, and the like, I'm ready for the election to bring it all to a swift -- although
nothing will be swift enough to ward off my growing weariness and cynicism -- and merciful conclusion. Honestly, I've never been so ready to return to regular programming. When I watch the news I'm excited to see images of car accidents, murder investigations, kidnappings, and every other manner of non-political news. On Saturday Night Live, I'm excited to see the return of anything not related to Tina Fey's dead-on impersonation of Sarah
Palin. I think I might be the most excited by the return of commercials for products I can go to the store to purchase or can ask my doctor to prescribe me. Viagra and Tampax...commercials that are typically embarassing offer me sweet relief from candidate attack ads. I'd even settle for a good Head On! (apply directly to the forehead) Head On! (apply directly to the forehead) Head On! (apply directly to the forehead) commercial -- even though it is one of the most annoying television ads ever produced. All this and not one ad that ends in "My name is (fill in the blank with candidate who pretends to be more honest, worthy, reputable, bipartisan, or otherwise better qualified than the other guy) and I approved this message"
