Stuck in Fast-Forward

So I'm realizing that my brain is hazardously stuck in fast-forward mode. I keep thinking about the future and wishing it would hurry up and get here....which means I'm forgetting to enjoy present-tense. Since deciding not to go on staff with Crusade in the fall, Joe and I were praying about another position which DID open up. Joe applied and had a great interview. Unfortunately, right after the interview they instituted a hiring freeze which guessed it.....more waiting for Joe and Tina. Okay, I get it. Patience is the lesson for my lifetime. Enough already. I think the job is going to work out for Joe and I think it'll be something that might work out long-term. We're thinking about the possibilities of what we could do with this job and how it might affect our future with our kids. That brings me to the other fast-forward thinking that has plagued my brain. I keep catching myself on the Heart Gallery website checking out pictures of kids who need adoptive parents AND on the local real-estate website checking out houses that we could live in WITH adoptive children. We can't afford any of these dreams until Joe gets a different job and we're not spending all our money on gas to drive to Joe's job. For now its all dreams and I need to slow them all down so I don't get weary of not having what I think I'd like to have as soon as I'd like to have it.


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