M-I-Crooked letter-crooked letter-I...

Well, it looks as though the final answer might indeed be Natchez, Mississippi. We heard again from the district superintendent over the southern district, the one who has been working so diligently on Joe's behalf. He has spoken to leaders at the church in Natchez and it appears he is moving forward QUICKLY with placing Joe and I at that church. The church has approximately 20 members who have recently considered -- with sad, heavy hearts -- closing the church doors forever. Joe is kind of the last ditch effort to salvage the church. There is hope, particularly if the church members are willing to make changes to get the body healthy and growing once again. We haven't been to Natchez or seen the church or met with the church leaders or anything else that might make this seem more official. Perhaps that will all come later. We do know that Natchez is a city with a population of about 16,000 people and it sits along the Mississippi River bordering Louisiana. The pictures of the city that we HAVE seen (via the internet) are gorgeous and what we've read of the history of this city is definitely intriguing. My parents seem okay with this decision, other than to frequently remind us how unbearably hot and humid the southern summers are. I personally think that A/C is one of God's greatest technological gifts to mankind. We'll see what more transpires in the next week or so as we get more information and clarity as to our timeframe and details of our living arrangements.


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