What did the Easter Bunny bring you?

What did the Easter Bunny bring you this year? Did you get candy? Maybe some jelly beans or a chocolate bunny? Perhaps you got some Peeps in your basket this year. Whatever you got this Easter, how long will the sugary sweetness fill you? A few moments? Most parents know that candy isn’t real food. Children can eat too much candy and ruin their supper, but the fullness from candy isn’t long lasting. There is no nutrition in the candy to last more than a few minutes of sugar high before the body feels hunger again. My hope for you this Easter Sunday is that you find what will truly fill you. The true reason to celebrate Easter is that Jesus died on the cross and rose again on Easter Sunday about 2000 years ago. His dying and rising were done so that we could have real life and true freedom. Jesus gives us what we need in a way that the sweet-tasting but temporary pleasures of life never could. When you fill yourself with alcohol or money or possessions or sexual pleasure or hobbies, you will find yourself always chasing after more. With those things (like with candy) you’ll be “hungry” again soon. Jesus gives us freedom from those cravings if we walk in obedience and spend daily time with him. This Easter enjoy your Peeps and jelly beans…but be sure to spend a little time thinking about Jesus and what Easter truly represents.


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