New Direction?

I sometimes teach about goal-setting using the example of planning a trip to Disney World. If you want to get to Disney World then you'll make decisions with Disney World in mind. You wouldn't pack a parka and snowshoes. You wouldn't head out the door without comfortable walking shoes. You would never get there if you got in your car in Missouri and headed north -- or even if you headed in the right general direction without any map. You make choices along the way to get to the right destination.

We have a destination in mind. Joe and I both have had separate dreams of starting a non-profit ministry to provide job skills, family-style connection, social support and other practical needs to those who need a leg up to get out of a bad situation. Mine was concern for young people who are aging out of the foster care system. Joe's was concern for teen moms who have no family support. When we started dating and began talking about our dreams for the future, we realized that we shared what was essentially the same dream. As we've continued to talk about that dream it has taken shape. We hope to someday open a bed and breakfast or resort. The resort would have housing for young people who have aged out of the foster care system (or teen moms). They would be the employees at the resort earning an income while learning trades from cleaning and maintenance to kitchen work to business. We would allow them to use creativity to develop and produce products for a gift shop. They would also work toward receiving an education, whether it is obtaining their GED or pursuing college degrees. They would receive familial support and care, enjoy family-style meals and activities, and have an opportunity to see Christ's love in action through the love of their new "family".

This ministry is our Disney World. We want to start making decisions based on that as our destination. I want my job now to help us get to that goal someday. Perhaps my current decisions need to change so that I can be on the right track to wind up there in a few years. Even now I hope God is opening up a way for us to get there. If you want to invest in this future you can begin by praying. Maybe someday you can join us in the adventure and we can get to our destination together.


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